Our Cloud-Family is growing!
Welcome Cloud Family to your 1st Twitter Chat!
100DaysCloud is the official twitter handle for #100DaysOfCloud.
We take great pride in the way we’ve built our cloud community over this past year and we would want nothing more than to continue building our strong cloud foundation with you all!
We are following the amazing format from the wonderful people at @CodeNewbies. They have certainly shown what it takes to build a successful and friendly code community.
We @100DaysCloud would only love to mirror that relationship with our cloud family. Special thanks to @saronyitbarek and @thepracticaldev for paving the way.
Before we start, we would like to set the cloud-chat rules:
Always support your fellow clouder
Be honest
Be #cloudkind
How this works:
We'll post random questions about the cloud journey.
You give us your best answer.
Then we will post a new question.
All questions will be labeled Q1, Q2, Q3.
All responses are to be labeled A1, A2, A3.
Respond to others as well but please include #100DaysOfCloud.
At the end of the hour you can "Shout-Out" your:
Cloud News
Cloud Certificates
New Job
Ready, Set, Cloud!
Our first chat will be on Wednesday November 25 at 9pm Eastern Time!!
The following week 12/3 and hopefully going forward, please join us every Thursday @9pm eastern time!
Reminders will be posted so you will never miss out!
See you there!